COVID-19 Procedures as of September 2022

The health and safety of our community is our number one concern. We have been
keeping updated on new guidelines, protocols, and information about COVID-19 and
are updating our safety procedures to follow CDC and Washington State Chiropractic
Association guidelines.
We are updating our current policy in connection with the CDC’s Aug. 11, 22 updated
guidelines. These changes will be in place until the next recommendations are made.
1. Please continue to wear a mask when entering our office unless you have
a medical exemption. The Washington State Dept. Of Health still requires
masking in health care settings.
2. We will continue to screening patients for symptoms and fever prior to
being seen. Please note the notice(s) on the front door.
3. If you are exhibiting any of the common symptoms of Covid-19 please
stay home for at least 5 days. These include fever, cough, sore throat,
shortness of breath and others are some of the common symptoms. Feel
free to call our office at (425) 888-4170 to discuss your needs and
symptoms further.
4. Per the latest CDC guidelines, you are no longer required to isolate after
an exposure to Covid, only with expression of symptoms or a positive test.
They also recommend that you wear a high-quality N95 or KN95 mask for
10 days. These would be appropriate for our office as well.