February Newsletter
Please see the attached newsletter for this month's happenings including Health Highlights, Spotlights, Guest appearances, Sales,...

November Newsletter
Looking for what's going on at Park Street this month? Look no further than our monthly newsletter! We send them out through email at the...

COVID-19 Procedures as of September 2022
The health and safety of our community is our number one concern. We have been keeping updated on new guidelines, protocols, and...

Update Concerning COVID-19
The health and safety of our community is our number one concern. We have been keeping updated on new guidelines, protocols, and...

The myth behind calorie in and calorie out dieting and why it's not the complete story
If you just burn more calories than you eat, you can lose weight, right? How many times have you heard this? Have you ever tried to lose...

Naturally Occurring Vitamins Proven Safe and Beneficial: Synthethic Vitamins Shown to be Ineffective
I believe most people will agree that taking a multi-vitamin is good for your health and indeed it is. The vitamin and mineral content...

Please do not feed the ducks
I find the irony of this sign worth talking about.... This sign says "People food is junk for for ducks" . Well the sorry truth is that...

Lack of Exercise A Leading Cause of Disease, Lost Quality of Life, and Early Death
I find our cultural beliefs about exercise quite interesting. I think that many people believe that exercise is something to do to lose...

Research Indicates Importance of Synergistic Combination of Vitamins A & D from Cod Liver Oil
Many of us have heard about the benefits of Vitamin D, but what we are not generally informed about is how vitamins work together and how...